Wednesday 21 August 2024

Portfolio Purchase: Sold Shares that Reach Fair Value and Buying Dividend Stocks

KORE has reached my perceived fair value and I have encashed. Proceeds were used to buy more UnitedHampshire REIT and Asian Pay TV Trust. A few shares in Alibaba were sold too to purchase LINK REIT.

Dividends Glory

With the purchase of more REITs/ business trusts, my expected annual dividends has increased. Likely starting from next year I will log a "year to date" dividend tracking, this after I have purchased my targeted amount of REITs.

With the sky high dividend yield required in the current high interest rate environment, buying of a REIT/Business Trust makes sense.

What I Want to Buy More

Utdhampshire US REIT is the only REIT left I wish to achieve a larger stake. While dividend has been falling due to an increasing interest cost, the eventual decrease in US Fed Rates (SOFR) will result in an increase in the REIT's distributable income. Then, it will become a very high dividend REIT.

Utdhampshire US and LINK REITs carry a relatively lower risk with a good dividend in the range of 7-10%. When global rates sink from 5.25% to about 4%, yield compression for these REITs will kick in. If there is a thing I wish to say, that is buy Utdhampshire US and LINK REITs

Both REITs have a leverage ratio below 40% and have a proportion in the retail sector which is more resilient to a recession.

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